Speedway Performing Arts Department News
Media Buzz
Whether you’re a current student of Speedway Performing Arts Department or visiting us for the first time, this section can provide helpful information for you. Take a look below and check back often for the latest updates.
Thank you to the Speedway Lions Club and Apricot Ortho for their generous donations for our new band uniforms! We have reached out goal and the uniforms look amazing!
Thank you to everyone who participated! This was a very successful fundraiser!
We're Having a Concert
April 24th at 6:30pm
All groups will be performing!
Fundraiser Delivery
Thank you to everyone who helped with the LaBraid fundraise! Â Our cheese and sausage fundraiser will be delivered a couple weeks into May!
Speedway 500 Pep Band
Our pep band won the Orleans Bulldog Pep Band Invitational this year! Congratulations!
500 Festival Parade
Indy 500 Parade practices start May 8th after school until 5pm! Â Look for us marching through the neighborhoods soon!
Solo and Ensemble
Speedway had many students participate in Solo and Ensemble this year!
ISSMA State Solo and Ensemble Qualifiers
James Strayhorn - Voice and Tuba
Mauro Manzano -Voice and Percussion
David Strayhorn -Voice, Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Presley Sears - Voice
Gail Feeley - Voice
Macy Franklin - Voice
Fiona Humphrey - Voice
Yosmar Flores Vasquez - Piano, Snare, Marimba
Alisa Yarling - Piano
Alex Clutinger - Tenor Sax
Alasdair Curts - Tenor Sax
Alex Ruelas Luz - Clarinet